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Blacklisted Casinos

Wе tаlk а lоt аbоut whаt wе lооk fоr іn а grеаt саѕіnо, аnd еlѕеwhеrе уоu’ll fіnd оur rесоmmеndаtіоnѕ аnd іnfоrmаtіоn оn thе bеѕt mоbіlе саѕіnоѕ аnd tор bоnuѕеѕ.

We advise our players to carefully consider their decisions before they play at the following casinos:

KokoBet Casino Logo

Rated 95 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 100% up to 2000€ + 150 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to 10,000€ & 100 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 100% up to 500€ + 200 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 96 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 350% up to 15,000€ + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Amonbet Casino

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 250% up to 3000€ + 300 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 250% up to 10,000 EUR + 300 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 95 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 100% up to 420,000$ + 200 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 99 of 100%

welcome bonus

Deposit Bonus up to 200%

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players

Rated 96 of 100%

welcome bonus

120% up to €600 + 125FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 96 of 100%

welcome bonus

Bonus 100% up to€1500 + 150 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Аlоngѕіdе thе gооd, hоwеvеr, аrе thоѕе саѕіnоѕ thаt bеhаvе bаdlу, wіth dоdgу buѕіnеѕѕ рrасtісеѕ, рооr рlауеr trеаtmеnt аnd wіthhоldіng оf wіnnіngѕ. Неrе wе ѕhоw уоu hоw tо ѕроt а rоguе ѕіtе, аnd lіѕt thоѕе thаt wе’vе аlrеаdу blасklіѕtеd іn lіnе wіth рlауеrѕ’ bаd ехреrіеnсеѕ. Rеаd оn tо dіѕсоvеr:

Ноw tо ѕроt аnd ѕtееr сlеаr оf blасklіѕtеd rоguе ѕіtеѕ
Тhе dеfіnіtіvе lіѕt оf ѕіtеѕ lеttіng рlауеrѕ dоwn
Ноw wе соnѕtаntlу rеvіеw ѕіtеѕ tо kеер оur lіѕtѕ uр tо dаtе
Wе’rе tаlkіng аbоut blасklіѕtеd саѕіnоѕ. Тhеѕе аrе thе wоrѕt оnlіnе gаmblіng рrореrtіеѕ thаt уоu ѕhоuldn’t рlау аt. Nоt еvеrу саѕіnо thаt fаіlѕ tо mаkе оur lіѕt оf tор рісkѕ іѕ а blасklіѕtеd саѕіnо. Тhеrе аrе mаnу gооd саѕіnоѕ thаt аrеn’t nесеѕѕаrіlу tор-tіеr but ѕtіll реrfесtlу lеgіtіmаtе саѕіnоѕ thаt trеаt рlауеrѕ fаіrlу.

The Reasons Behind Blacklisting

But some online casinos receive complaint after complaint after complaint. And, to make matters worse, they ignore those complaints and keep letting down casino players. Our list of blacklisted casinos includes Internet gambling sites that have failed to meet expectations. Here are some reasons why a casino might find itself blacklisted:

Lack of Payment

You play to have fun, but you also play to win money. So when you do hit a payday, you want to get your hands on your cash quickly. Some casinos pay pretty instantly. Other casinos can take 30 days or so to pay. That’s acceptable in some instances. But when a casino leaves you hanging and the check never shows up in the mail? That’s not cool. Not all bad online casinos that are blacklisted lie about sending you money. In fact, most don’t. Instead, they’ll tell you straight up that you don’t qualify for a withdrawal because you violated certain bonus conditions or didn’t meet the deposit requirements.

Lack of Randomness

It’s normal to go on losing streaks playing online casinos games, just as it’s normal to go on long winning streaks. But if a site fails to use a proper Random Number Generator to ensure that all deals, spins, and rolls of the dice are random, or if that RNG is found to be flawed or “fixed”, the online casino is blacklisted.

False Advertising

Casinos that advertise free money and then make you jump through hoops to claim a bonus, all without spelling it out anywhere in their terms and conditions are placed on our blacklist. We don’t take tricking players lightly.

Spamming Players

We believe in fair marketing practices. That’s why the worst casinos that engage in spamming players and not adhering to marketing best practices are removed from our list of recommended Internet gambling sites.

Other questionable practices

Casinos that have poor customer service, lack of responsiveness, unstable software or provide genuinely unethical player experiences get added to our blacklist. We also blacklist casinos that fail to include the proper encryption technology that’s needed to keep your information and financial details safe.

How We Compile Our Blacklist

We employ a painstaking review process to compile a list of top casinos. We rate every casino in a number of categories, including payment processing, deposits, cashouts, bonuses, customer service, game selection, software quality, encryption technology, security, and more. Naturally, as we rate the best, we weed out the worst and set them aside.

If there’s a big red flag, like horrific customer service or terrible payment processing, we dig deeper to see what the issue is. Most rogue casinos that fail in a big category end up blacklisted. But the process isn’t automatic. Each casino that shows up on our blacklisted radar is reviewed thoroughly three times by independent auditors. We also get in touch with management at the target casino to find out if our issue is an isolated one.

Bottom line? The casinos that appear on our blacklist are there for a reason. They’ve failed miserably and they weren’t able to redeem themselves even though they were given the chance.

De-Blacklisting a Casino

We constantly update our blacklisted page because not all blacklisted casinos stay blacklisted forever. Sometimes, with a change of ownership or clarity of rules, blacklisted casinos can become reputable ones. It usually takes a few years of honest practice for us to whitelist a casino, and to be honest it’s only happened a few times. But out of fairness, we monitor all blacklisted casinos to make sure.

Why Trust Us

All of the casinos that we list on our website undergo a rigorous testing and review process conducted by our experts. Our experts have used their own money to play at these casinos and report back with their findings. Playing at the best casinos will offer you:

  • Safety and security playing at an online casino
  • Guaranteed payout windows to claim your money
  • A variety of deposit and withdrawal methods to ensure you can claim
  • Trusted reviews from industry experts
  • We pick the best bonuses and promotions for you

Before you visit just any online casino, check this list

The beautiful thing about the Internet is that people can voice their opinion and complain about just about anything in a snap. They do so with restaurants. They do so with stores. On Facebook. On review sites. Everywhere. The same goes for online casinos.

When players have problems at an online casino, they tell us about it. We keep track of everything. Every complaint. Every issue. For every casino. If there are enough complaints and we see a pattern, we note the major problem with that casino. Our list below details problems you need to be aware of with major rogue online casinos. Some problems are things that might keep you from playing at a specific casino. Others are points you need to be aware of, even if you do choose to play. Consult this page regularly because things are always changing in the online casino world.

False Advertising

Casinos that advertise free money and then make you jump through hoops to claim a bonus, all without spelling it out anywhere in their terms and conditions are placed on our blacklist. We don’t take tricking players lightly.

Spamming Players

We believe in fair marketing practices. That’s why the worst casinos that engage in spamming players and not adhering to marketing best practices are removed from our list of recommended Internet gambling sites.

Other questionable practices

Casinos that have poor customer service, lack of responsiveness, unstable software or provide genuinely unethical player experiences get added to our blacklist. We also blacklist casinos that fail to include the proper encryption technology that’s needed to keep your information and financial details safe.

How We Compile Our Blacklist

We employ a painstaking review process to compile a list of top casinos. We rate every casino in a number of categories, including payment processing, deposits, cashouts, bonuses, customer service, game selection, software quality, encryption technology, security, and more. Naturally, as we rate the best, we weed out the worst and set them aside.

If there’s a big red flag, like horrific customer service or terrible payment processing, we dig deeper to see what the issue is. Most rogue casinos that fail in a big category end up blacklisted. But the process isn’t automatic. Each casino that shows up on our blacklisted radar is reviewed thoroughly three times by independent auditors. We also get in touch with management at the target casino to find out if our issue is an isolated one.

Bottom line? The casinos that appear on our blacklist are there for a reason. They’ve failed miserably and they weren’t able to redeem themselves even though they were given the chance.

De-Blacklisting a Casino

We constantly update our blacklisted page because not all blacklisted casinos stay blacklisted forever. Sometimes, with a change of ownership or clarity of rules, blacklisted casinos can become reputable ones. It usually takes a few years of honest practice for us to whitelist a casino, and to be honest it’s only happened a few times. But out of fairness, we monitor all blacklisted casinos to make sure.

Why Trust Us

All of the casinos that we list on our website undergo a rigorous testing and review process conducted by our experts. Our experts have used their own money to play at these casinos and report back with their findings. Playing at the best casinos will offer you:

  • Safety and security playing at an online casino
  • Guaranteed payout windows to claim your money
  • A variety of deposit and withdrawal methods to ensure you can claim
  • Trusted reviews from industry experts
  • We pick the best bonuses and promotions for you

Before you visit just any online casino, check this list

The beautiful thing about the Internet is that people can voice their opinion and complain about just about anything in a snap. They do so with restaurants. They do so with stores. On Facebook. On review sites. Everywhere. The same goes for online casinos.

When players have problems at an online casino, they tell us about it. We keep track of everything. Every complaint. Every issue. For every casino. If there are enough complaints and we see a pattern, we note the major problem with that casino. Our list below details problems you need to be aware of with major rogue online casinos. Some problems are things that might keep you from playing at a specific casino. Others are points you need to be aware of, even if you do choose to play. Consult this page regularly because things are always changing in the online casino world.

The Author

The Author

Jensen Anderson is a seasoned iGaming expert with years of experience reviewing online casinos and slot games. Passionate about fair play and big wins, he dives deep into the latest casino trends, bonus offers, and game mechanics. His sharp insights help players navigate the ever-changing world of online gambling. Whether it’s the hottest new slots or the best high-roller deals, Jensen knows where to find them. Follow his expert takes on CasinoDaddy for the ultimate gaming experience.