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Іf уоu еnјоу wаtсhіng еЅроrtѕ аnd еnјоу рlауіng thеm, сhаnсеѕ аrе уоu аrе соnѕіdеrіng еЅроrtѕ bеttіng оr hаvе аlrеаdу trіеd іt. еЅроrtѕ аrе fun аnd а grеаt fоrm оf рорulаr еntеrtаіnmеnt. Whеn уоu соmbіnе thаt wіth bеttіng, thе rеѕult іѕ twісе thе fun. Ноwеvеr, іf уоu аrе bеttіng уоu wаnt tо bе wіnnіng аnd nоt gеttіng уоurѕеlf іn fіnаnсіаl trоublе. еЅроrtѕ bеttіng іѕ undоubtеdlу оnе оf thе mоѕt ехсіtіng bеttіng асtіvіtіеѕ оut thеrе аѕ іt соmbіnеѕ thе раѕѕіоn fоr а раrtісulаr еЅроrtѕ gаmе, а раrtісulаr еЅроrtѕ tеаm аnd mіght аѕ wеll hеlр thе рlауеr іnсrеаѕе thеіr fіnаnсеѕ іn thе mеаntіmе. То dо ѕо аnd bе а wіnnеr іn еЅроrtѕ bеttіng, thеrе аrе а numbеr оf ѕіmрlе еЅроrtѕ bеttіng ѕtrаtеgіеѕ thаt оnе nееdѕ tо fоllоw.
This is our number one eSports Betting Strategy for a reason! First and foremost, know the games you will be betting on, know the players, and the teams. If you are familiar with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or Dota 2, then you might as well watch those games and bet on them. There is no point in betting on games you are not familiar with and don’t enjoy following. You will be better off and have an advantage if you are well aware of the teams and the players, and their respective strengths and weaknesses. If you want to win long-term you need to make sure that you understand what you are doing. You won’t throw your money in the store for something you are not familiar with and don’t understand its purpose. Keep it simple and be smart. eSports is a data-heavy industry. There are numerous statistics of which teams are winning which events. Each tournament has its detailed history of who has won in the past and how others have performed. You should be able to tell if a particular tournament is won by the same team over the years or if it is a different team each year. You need to be aware of individual player’s statistics, wins and losses, as well. Do your detailed research. You want to do that first, before placing your bet. In the long run, you don’t win unless you are extremely analytical with your bets. Remember that the eSports teams themselves are hiring data analysts specializing in a particular game and analyzing the information internally. Once you have available data, you can see what are the trends and by analyzing past events you can project what would be the outcome of future games. Let’s continue with more eSports betting strategies…
You need to stay focused and not experiment all the time by placing your bets on a variety of games, players, and tournaments. Make sure you have a systematic approach to eSports betting, in order to be able to generate some income from it. Clearly, an occasional small bet for fun is acceptable but don’t waste your money. Stay focused and keep track of the past events and results of the teams and players you place your bets on. Know if the game has any updates and changes. Basically, play and learn the game prior to betting. Again, stay focused. Don’t try playing all the games, be game intelligent by specializing in a particular game.
Be smart with your money. Don’t bet your entire salary on eSports! Always make sure you can afford to bet before you do. The smartest way to do it is to prepare ahead of time, instead of betting impulsively. Just like compulsive shoppers, there are compulsive gamblers. That cannot be beneficial for your finances in the long run. Decide on the amount of money you can afford to bet for the entire year, month, week, or day. First and foremost, make sure that that amount is such that you can afford to spend it in case you lose it. Let’s say you make EUR 2,000 per month and you would like to set aside EUR 200 as a side expense. Then distribute the EUR 200 per week. Decide how many days per week you would like to be making bets. Don’t overspend! You would be able to make bets again next month, or perhaps the next day. Stop when you have reached the amount you have decided that you would spend in advance.
Casinos offer alcohol for a reason. Avoid at all cost betting under the influence whether you are in a casino or playing online. Alcohol is not your friend when it comes to betting. Chances are you are giving up your competitive advantage by reaching out for the glass of whatever alcoholic beverage you have picked. You need to make sure that your brain is fully functioning as you are spending your own money.
If you are betting on your favorite eSports team and your eSports team is losing, you might easily get upset twice. First, for losing your money and second for your team losing. Therefore, make your bets based on analysis and statistics, not emotions and favoritism. Behavioral finance is a science which studies human financial behavior and decisions under various circumstances. A lot of times that behavior is irrational. Be rational. Be smart. Be wise. Don’t get emotional!
To foster some basic understanding, herewith we present in a concise manner the most common types of eSports bets and wagers at place. Admittedly, the simplest and most well-known bet type is money lines. Individuals place a wager contingent on personal preferences about competitors and based on calculations for probable chances of a return on their investment. The final decision is more or less swayed by the odds for a win associated with any of the parties involved as they dictate the amount of money to be gained back.
Evidently, higher odds are accompanied by higher risk and hence greater return on the wager made. For instance, let’s say you favor and thereby put $1 of your money on Team Liquid to win against Team OG with odds 1.20 versus 2.30. The best case scenario, you could win $1.20 on your $1 bet which is less than if the same amount of money was rather wagered on Team OG – $2.30 on your $1 bet. The clarification offered leads us to the next type of eSports bets – handicap betting. Handicap betting exists when one of both competitors is heavily promoted to outperform its opponent. In such cases, it is common to observe odds such as e.g. 1.20 versus 6.30. Based on the latest example, if you make a bet on Team OG to win against Team Liquid you stand to win 6.30 on your $1 bet. Surely, there are more complex variations of the handicap betting at play that offer greater benefits in terms of return on the investment.
In addition, another type of eSports bets is betting on totals. Individuals are presented with the opportunity to make a wager on a certain start of the game such as total rounds and maps played as well as total kills recorded and points achieved. Finally, proposition bets allow individuals to make bets on all sorts of obscure parts of a certain game. For instance, the number of kills a particular player will get throughout a game or whether the game will stretch beyond the time range of 40 minutes.
Create a few eSports betting accounts to make sure you are betting on the best offerings on the games you would like to place your bets. Check out the recommended bookers we suggest. They all offer free registration and a variety of payments methods.
It is exciting to place your bets on a team you enjoy watching and win! Hope you enjoyed reading our eSports betting strategies! Good luck!
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