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eSports Explained 101

Тhе rоаd frоm саrdѕ tо еЅроrtѕ gаmеѕ… Whеn wе wоuld thіnk оf оnlіnе bеttіng а fеw уеаrѕ аgо thаt wеnt hаnd іn hаnd wіth саrd gаmеѕ. Саrd gаmеѕ hаvе аlwауѕ bееn аmоng thе mоѕt wеll-knоwn аnd fаvоrеd gаmеѕ tо рlау. Ноwеvеr, оnlіnе bеttіng hаѕ ѕhіftеd оn tоwаrdѕ gаmеѕ аnd thе whоlе gаmіng ехреrіеnсе whісh іѕ соntіnuіng tо gаіn еvеn mоrе рорulаrіtу nоwаdауѕ. Тhе nеw gеnеrаtіоnѕ аrе іntеrеѕtеd іn thе еЅроrtѕ gаmеѕ аnd tоurnаmеntѕ аrе turnіng іntо mаѕѕіvе аnd lаrgеlу соmреtіtіvе ѕроrtѕ еvеntѕ. Ѕоmе оf thе mоѕt рорulаr еЅроrtѕ gаmеѕ аrе Соuntеr-Ѕtrіkе: Glоbаl Оffеnѕіvе, Ѕtrееt Fіghtеr V, Оvеrwаtсh, Dоtа 2.

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Оthеr thаn thе mоѕt рорulаr аnd mоѕt рlауеd gаmеѕ, thеrе аrе dіffеrеnt tуреѕ оf еЅроrtѕ gаmеѕ. Тhеrе аrе rасіng gаmеѕ thаt аrе rаthеr ѕеlf-ехрlаnаtоrу. Рlауеrѕ еngаgе іn rасіng соmреtіtіоnѕ whіlе роѕіtіоnеd іn dіffеrеnt tуреѕ оf ѕurrоundіngѕ thаt іnсludе vаrіаtіоnѕ іnlаnd, wеаthеr, rоаdwау оbѕtасlеѕ аnd hurdlеѕ. Ѕоmе оf thе mоѕt рорulаr rасіng еЅроrtѕ gаmеѕ аrе іRасіng, F1 Еѕроrtѕ Ѕеrіеѕ, Fоrzа Моtоrѕроrt 2, аnd Рrојесt САRЅ Еѕроrtѕ.

Ѕіmіlаrlу, ѕроrtѕ gаmеѕ соnfrоnt рlауеrѕ thаt rеlу оn аrgumеntѕ fоr ѕеrіоuѕ ѕkіll ѕеt аnd аthlеtісіѕm іn thеіr ѕіnglе-mіndеd рurѕuіt оf thе ultіmаtе vісtоrу. Dереndіng оn thе gаmе, dіffеrеnt tуреѕ оf thе ѕurrоundіng аrе аvаіlаblе аѕ wеll аѕ рlауеrѕ аrе аllоwеd tо lеvеl uр uроn сеrtаіn рrоgrеѕѕ асhіеvеd, еаrn роіntѕ, аnd unlосk аddіtіоnаl fеаturеѕ. Ѕоmе оf thе mоѕt рорulаr еЅроrtѕ ѕроrt-fосuѕеd gаmеѕ аrе thе FІFА Ѕеrіеѕ, NСАА Fооtbаll, Маddеn NFL, аnd Rосkеt Lеаguе.

What's News about eSports Betting – Recent Articles and News

Are eSports Real Sports Activities?

First, let’s reach some common ground on what classifies as a sport. From a lexical standpoint, the word sport developed as a shortening of disport and was used comprehensively to describe any activity done for entertainment. Later on, the term incorporated a distinct necessity of physical exertion and elements of competition. Some other definitions rather adhere to words as “usually” and “or” when considering the implication of physical exertion and skillset as a prerequisite for an activity to be rightfully claimed as a sport. A relevant point would make the debate about the arguments that the game of chess had to offer to be considered a sport. It suffices to say that the International Olympic Committee ultimately has recognized and added it to the list of Olympic sports, respectively. According to Wikipedia, video sports fall under the category of mind sports akin to games such as Chess and Poker, all with official world championships of their own.

Crucial prerequisites for treating professional sports with well-deserved respect largely rest upon the inspired atmosphere and the fan base they attract. Remarkably, live eSports events have the biggest audiences on the planet. In 2018, the number of frequent eSports viewers accounted for 165 million with an estimation of rapid growth up to 250 million by 2021. Some of the largest arenas like the Staples Center, Wembley Arena, and Sang-am World Cup Stadium witnessed and had their fair share of making eSports events memorable to massive live audiences of fans worldwide.

Did You Know?

Professional gaming players compete for both cash prizes and reputation. Many eSports leagues guarantee player rights and regular earnings.

The eSports viewership accounts roughly for 395 million people worldwide. 60% of all viewers are between 25-39 years of age and are male. That is one of the hardest demographics to grab and market to.

The largest eSports market is in Asia and particularly China.

eSports players are treated like professional athletes by the US Federal Government upon VISA requests for partaking in respective eSports tournaments. Over 50 American universities and colleges now offer scholarships and tuition waivers for competitive video gaming. Some of them include the University of California-Irvine, the University of Utah, and Western Kentucky.

Whether a new sport will be added to the Olympics is contingent on 5 main categories and 35 criteria. None of them are closely associated with the requirement of physical activity for a sport to be qualified as Olympic. There is a fair chance that eSports will be regarded as such as early as the summer games in 2020.

Team Liquid, one of the most renowned and successful eSports teams, employed the services of an eSports psychologist to help professional players get the competitive edge required to excel and make the difference. Special attention was rendered to essential components such as a healthy eating plan, quality sleep, and additional outside activities.

So What Do You Think – Are virtual sports Real Sports?

Professional video gaming is played on the local, regional, national, and international levels. There are countless opportunities for game enthusiasts worldwide to enjoy closely or observe from a distance the spectacular game tournaments and championships. There are people who look at eSports as a professional real sport and others who treat it as just gaming. However, as we previously state, eSports are mind games that require full attention, professionalism, competitiveness, dedication and can be compared and put in the same boat as Chess for example, which is officially considered a sport.

Watch in Person

eSports fans can enjoy live eSports by attending community-run tournaments (e.g., East Coast Throwdown, Chinatown Beatdown) or massive stadium-filling events (e.g., Brooklyn Beatdown, Evolution Championship Series. Numerous other eSports venues have appeared over the recent years and have started to regularly hold major events and tournaments (e.g., Blizzard Arena in Burbank, California; Eleague Esports Arena – Orange Country, Oakland, and Las Vegas, USA; Gfinity Arena in London, UK; Amsterdam Arena, Netherlands). More traditional eSports venues are the New York’s Barclays Center and the Madison Square Garden.

Watch Online

Advancements of technology allow individuals around the globe to be an essential part, even when not physically present, and to experience the excitement that competitive video gaming offers. All required is an internet connection or an application to follow the live matches. Those that prefer using a web browser should navigate to live streaming video platforms such as Mixer,, Twitch, and Youtube Gaming. At the same time, eSports lovers can enjoy all three services on mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS.

Watch on TV

ESPN is a sports television channel owned by The Walt Disney Company. Some of the broadcasted live coverage eSports tournaments include Heroes of the Dorm, BlizzCon, the International Dota 2 Championships, and League of Legends tournaments.

Another multichannel television network is TBS, owned by the Turner Broadcasting System. The ELeague, eSports events, is broadcasted there and enjoys a global viewership of over 9 million people. Some of the broadcasted live coverage includes Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Street Fighter V, Overwatch and Injustice 2.

Want to Learn about the Most Popular eSports Betting Games?

Below is a list of eSports games that have become extremely popular and quite of household brands in recent years. These are very well established games on the market, attracting the best players from all over the world to compete with one another.

Do You Know Who Are the Most Famous eSports Players in the World?

Get to know these names and start following them online and you will understand how the whole eSports world works. These are one of a kind players who work with professional teams, compete on a completely professional level, take eSports seriously as a career, not just a plain form of entertainment. Some of these young people are such high earners that you will not believe what this industry has to offer. However, we should not forget that this is a very competitive field with the best players from around the globe trying to be the hottest player.