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Betting Odds in Roulette

Whісh іѕ bеttеr tо рlау оn? Тhе Аmеrісаn dоublе 0 whееl, оr Еurореаn ѕіnglе 0? Wеll уоu аrе gоіng tо lоѕе уоur bаnkrоll quісkеr оn thе Аmеrісаn whееl, ѕо thе аnѕwеr іѕ ѕіmрlе: Тhе Еurореаn whееl іѕ а muсh bеttеr орtіоn.

Тhе оnlу dіffеrеnсе іѕ thе оrdеr оf numbеrѕ, аnd thе Аmеrісаn whееl hаѕ оnе аddіtіоnаl росkеt (thе dоublе grееn zеrо).

Вut thе рауоutѕ аrе ехасtlу thе ѕаmе. Fоr ехаmрlе, thе рауоut оf а ѕіnglе numbеr wіn іѕ 35 tо 1 оn еіthеr whееl.

Payouts For European roulette wheels:

The ODDS of winning for a European wheel are 1 in 37 (because there are 37 pockets)

The PAYOUT for wins is 35 to 1 (you get paid 35 PLUS your original bet)



Payouts For American roulette wheels:

The ODDS of winning for an American wheel are 1 in 38 (because there are 38 pockets)

The PAYOUT for wins is 35 to 1 (you get paid 35 PLUS your original bet)

So for both an American and European wheel, you are paid 35-1 for a win. The difference is this will happen LESS OFTEN on the American wheel.

An analogy I used on the forum was “What would you prefer? A hole in your head, or a bigger hole in your head?”. I assume the problem with some forum members was they either didn’t care to understand the difference, or simply didn’t know any better. But I think back to when I started playing roulette, and I wouldn’t have fully grasped the difference. I would have thought it was just one pocket difference, which is insignificant. Now that I know better, I look back in bemusement of my ignorance. And I wonder if I knew so little back then, what am I currently clueless about today? I’ll just need to wait and see!

The house edge is simply the amount of the bet you expect to lose on each spin. See the table below which explains the types of bets, the odds, and payouts for roulette. Note that with one exception, the house edge is the same for every bet (for each respective wheel):


All Bets, odds, and payouts for the various roulette types


Bet Payout European Roulette Odds (Chance of Winning) European Roulette House Edge American Roulette Odds (Chance of Winning) American Roulette House Edge
Reds / Blacks (colour) 1:1 48.65% 2.7% 47.37% 5.26%
Evens / Odds 1:1 48.65% 2.7% 47.37% 5.26%
Lows / Highs (1-18 / 19-36) 1:1 48.65% 2.7% 47.37% 5.26%
Dozens 2:1 32.43% 2.7% 31.58% 5.26%
Columns 2:1 32.43% 2.7% 31.58% 5.26%
6 Numbers (6 line) 5:1 16.22% 2.7% 15.79% 5.26%
5 Numbers (top line) 6:1 13.16% 7.89%
4 Numbers (square) 8:1 10.81% 2.7% 10.53% 5.26%
3 Numbers (street) 11:1 8.11% 2.7% 7.89% 5.26%
2 Numbers (split) 17:1 5.41% 2.7% 5.26% 5.26%
1 Number (straight) 35:1 2.70% 2.7% 2.63% 5.26%