Reverse Fibonacci System for Roulette

Аѕ wе’vе ѕаіd оn оthеr раgеѕ оf thіѕ ѕіtе, а lоt оf ѕtrаtеgіеѕ hаvе а “nоrmаl” vеrѕіоn аnd thеn а “rеvеrѕе” vеrѕіоn. Тhе nоrmаl vеrѕіоn іѕ uѕuаllу а nеgаtіvе рrоgrеѕѕіоn mеаnіng уоu іnсrеаѕе уоur bеtѕ аftеr а lоѕѕ, аnd thе rеvеrѕе vеrѕіоn іѕ а роѕіtіvе рrоgrеѕѕіоn mеаnіng уоu іnсrеаѕе уоur bеtѕ аftеr а wіn.

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This is the reverse version of the Fibonacci Roulette System. It would be best to have a quick recap of the normal Fibonacci strategy because this will help you understand the reverse system. To start with, Fibonacci is a sequence of numbers which is made up by adding the two previous numbers together to get the next. Here’s what it looks like:

1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610

To sum up the normal Fibonacci quickly, you bet on any of the even chance bets (Red/Black, Odd/Even and 1-18/19-36) and then when you lose you work your way through the sequence of numbers. Then when you win, you move back two numbers in the sequence.

So a loss means one step forward in the progression, a win means two steps back. You repeat this process until you get to the start of the sequence, at which point your profit will be 1.

Now On To The Reverse Fibonacci

So with the reverse Fibonacci you do the opposite, you move forward one step in the progression after a win and move back two steps after a loss. The idea is to ride a winning streak and get a profit. Here is an example of how you would bet using this system:

Bet 1 and win
Bet 1 and win
Bet 2 and win
Bet 3 and lose
Bet 1 and win
Bet 2 and win
Bet 3 and win
Bet 5 and lose
Bet 2 and lose
Bet 1 and win

When you look at the above numbers, things aren’t looking very good for this system. There were 7 wins and 3 losses but despite this, profit was only 1. Flat Betting could achieve better results under these circumstances.

This is probably one of the most flawed strategies that we’ve covered on this site because you will need a lot more wins than losses to come out on top and this is very unlikely to happen over the long term of play.

Then again, if you get 8 reds in a row and you’re betting on red, you will get a nice win. If you decide to use this system you should set yourself a point in the Fibonacci sequence where you will walk away and take the win.

Whichever number you choose to walk away on and take the win, your profit will be that number plus all the previous numbers added together providing of course that you get to your winning number.

For example, if you chose to walk away at 13, your profit would be 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13= 33

It doesn’t matter if there’s losses in the middle, so long as you stick to the rule of forward one after a win, back two after a loss, the numbers will always add up. But remember, you will need more wins than losses for this system to be successful and this will only happen over the short term of play on a lucky day. It won’t happen over the long term. If you’re adamant about using a positive progressive system, you would probably be better of trying the Reverse Martingale which gives a bigger overall win for less wining bets.