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Albanian Language Online Casinos - Online Casinos Supporting Albanian

Lіkе mаnу thіngѕ іn Аlbаnіа, thе еnvіrоnmеnt fоr оnlіnе саѕіnоѕ tо thrіvе lаrgеlу dереndѕ оn thе оngоіng роlіtісаl ѕіtuаtіоn, оvеr thе lаrgе реrіоdѕ оf ѕhіftіng роlіtісаl lаndѕсареѕ thrоughоut thе соuntrу’ѕ hіѕtоrу thеrе hаvе bееn mаnу rеgulаtіоnѕ аnd lаwѕ іmрlеmеntеd аnd rејесtеd whісh dеаl wіth thе gаmblіng іnduѕtrу. Ноwеvеr, fоr а lоng whіlе, thе Аlbаnіаn gоvеrnmеnt аllоwеd іntеrnаtіоnаl оnlіnе саѕіnо ореrаtоrѕ tо ореrаtе оn thеіr dоmеѕtіс mаrkеt, but thеу dіd nоt іѕѕuе аnу lісеnѕеѕ mеаnіng thаt mоѕt оf thеѕе аrе lісеnѕеd bу fоrеіgn аuthоrіtіеѕ ѕuсh аѕ thе UКGС аnd thе МGА.

Dеѕріtе thеrе bеіng соnfuѕіоn whеn іt соmеѕ dоwn tо оnlіnе gаmblіng, lаnd-bаѕеd gаmblіng сlubѕ hаvе ехреrіеnсеd quіtе а bооm іn rесеnt уеаrѕ, but quіtе rесеntlу thеrе hаvе bееn ѕеvеrаl ріесеѕ оf lеgіѕlаtіоn thаt hаvе bееn іmрlеmеntеd whісh аllоw оnlіnе саѕіnоѕ. Nеvеrthеlеѕѕ, mоrе rесеntlу mаnу оnlіnе саѕіnоѕ hаvе іntrоduсеd а hugе vаrіеtу оf gаmеѕ tо thе Аlbаnіаn mаrkеt, mоѕt оf whісh аrе рrоduсеd bу rеnоwnеd ѕоftwаrе dеvеlореrѕ lіkе NеtЕnt, Місrоgаmіng, Еvоlutіоn Gаmіng, аnd Рlауtесh.

Selected Casinos with the Albanian Language

Pistsolo Casino Logo

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to €500 + 200 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

450% up to €6,000 + 325 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Winz Casino

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

Up to €10,000 in Wheel of Winz

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
HitNSpin Casino

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to 800 + 200 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Vulkan Vegas Casino Logo

Rated 99 of 100%

welcome bonus

200%/€1,500 + 100 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Spin Samurai Casino Logo

Rated 93 of 100%

welcome bonus

150% up to 800€ + 75 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
RetroBet Casino Logo

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

350% up to €15,000 + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Jet4bet Casino

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

350% up to €15,000 + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

350% up to €15,000 + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
NV Casino Logo

Rated 95 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to 2000€ + 250 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players

Albanian Players can Legally Gamble Online

Taking into account the recent growth of gambling sites the country has introduced a new gambling monitoring agency called the Gambling Monitoring Unit (GMU) which was set up under the 2008 Law on Gambling Act. The abovementioned piece of legislation made it legal for Albanian players to take part in bingos, sports betting events, casinos, online casinos, and lottery games. The GMU was tasked with the job to enforce the provisions and tax charges prescribed by the law, and in large part, this legislation was implemented to reduce the number of illegal operators on the market.

The newest gambling law passed by the Government has shifted the landscape quite a bit, it was passed by the newly elected socialistic party in 2018 and has since entered into force as of January 1st of 2019. However, this legal act does no affect online casinos, but it is mainly intended for land-based casinos urging them to shift locations from urbanized cities and rural areas to explicitly touristic zones, hence why gambling operators have designated regions where such activities are to be conducted. With regard to online gambling, the taxes applied to online casinos have increased to 15% of a gambling club’s yearly turnover.

Different Kind of Games available for Albanian Speakers

When it comes down to the titles available to Albanian players, most of the games that can be seen on their market are not developed by domestic software developers, although there are some who are quite popular, the majority of games come from experienced world-recognized game developers like Microgaming and NetEnt who have for years set the standard in the gambling industry. Let’s not forget the Live Casino games, as there are also quite famous with the rise of the demand for a real feeling in the online gambling world, many gambling clubs have introduced a live segment and Finland is no exception, their online casinos also provide players with a selection of great live games brought by Evolution Gaming and NetEnt. Overall we believe that online casino players from Albania have a great choice to select from and will never be bored as there is a surplus of games they can choose from.

However, if you are an Albanian-speaking player who wishes to play at online casinos based overseas you have the option to play in your own language whilst enjoying Albanian as a preferred language option. Furthermore, players who reach out to multinational online casinos available to international players will find that the majority of popular online casinos like 888 Casino and Casoo Casino offer a huge variety of slots, video slots, tables, and card games which will suit the preferences of even the pickiest player. In addition, the vast majority of these online casinos provide games produced by some of the best developers around there as slots are delivered by NetEnt and Live Casino segments are provided by the one and only Evolution Gaming.

Unique Bonuses for Casinos with the Albanian Language

At the moment, there are plenty of exclusive casino bonuses at many online casinos operating in Albania, such as bonuses, deals, and promotions that are ready to claim from players. However, need you do not worry there are plenty of online casinos that provide Albanian as a language option, which also provide players with a huge variety of bonuses and cash rewards.

Additionally, in order to qualify for these bonuses provided by casinos like Casinoin and Rabona players must first register to the casino and deposit funds in order to be eligible to claim the bonus. Furthermore, Albaniangamblers should be extremely careful when choosing methods of depositing funds as bank transfer and credit/debit card transactions may be tracked back to the source which means they could suffer fines for even trying to attend an online casino. In essence, there are plenty of bonuses and prizes, but players must be wary and look over the terms and conditions in great detail, before choosing a bonus or deal to play with.

Why Should you choose a Casino with the Albanian Language?

If you are a native Albanian speaker, there is really nothing to discuss when it comes down to why choosing an online casino that provides Albanian as a language option is an obvious choice to make. The whole gambling experience will be made more enjoyable if the whole site is displayed in one’s native tongue as that immediately eliminates any queries players might have with regard to the wording and specifics of any offers or game preferences.

Looking for a casino in a specific language? Browse by language in our casino database

Pistsolo Casino Logo

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to €500 + 200 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

450% up to €6,000 + 325 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Winz Casino

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

Up to €10,000 in Wheel of Winz

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
HitNSpin Casino

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to 800 + 200 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Vulkan Vegas Casino Logo

Rated 99 of 100%

welcome bonus

200%/€1,500 + 100 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
Spin Samurai Casino Logo

Rated 93 of 100%

welcome bonus

150% up to 800€ + 75 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Not Accepted
RetroBet Casino Logo

Rated 98 of 100%

welcome bonus

350% up to €15,000 + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
Jet4bet Casino

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

350% up to €15,000 + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players

Rated 97 of 100%

welcome bonus

350% up to €15,000 + 350 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players
NV Casino Logo

Rated 95 of 100%

welcome bonus

100% up to 2000€ + 250 FS

Number of games
Payment methods
Game providers
Min deposit
US Players

Albanian Players can Legally Gamble Online

Taking into account the recent growth of gambling sites the country has introduced a new gambling monitoring agency called the Gambling Monitoring Unit (GMU) which was set up under the 2008 Law on Gambling Act. The abovementioned piece of legislation made it legal for Albanian players to take part in bingos, sports betting events, casinos, online casinos, and lottery games. The GMU was tasked with the job to enforce the provisions and tax charges prescribed by the law, and in large part, this legislation was implemented to reduce the number of illegal operators on the market.

The newest gambling law passed by the Government has shifted the landscape quite a bit, it was passed by the newly elected socialistic party in 2018 and has since entered into force as of January 1st of 2019. However, this legal act does no affect online casinos, but it is mainly intended for land-based casinos urging them to shift locations from urbanized cities and rural areas to explicitly touristic zones, hence why gambling operators have designated regions where such activities are to be conducted. With regard to online gambling, the taxes applied to online casinos have increased to 15% of a gambling club’s yearly turnover.

Different Kind of Games available for Albanian Speakers

When it comes down to the titles available to Albanian players, most of the games that can be seen on their market are not developed by domestic software developers, although there are some who are quite popular, the majority of games come from experienced world-recognized game developers like Microgaming and NetEnt who have for years set the standard in the gambling industry. Let’s not forget the Live Casino games, as there are also quite famous with the rise of the demand for a real feeling in the online gambling world, many gambling clubs have introduced a live segment and Finland is no exception, their online casinos also provide players with a selection of great live games brought by Evolution Gaming and NetEnt. Overall we believe that online casino players from Albania have a great choice to select from and will never be bored as there is a surplus of games they can choose from.

However, if you are an Albanian-speaking player who wishes to play at online casinos based overseas you have the option to play in your own language whilst enjoying Albanian as a preferred language option. Furthermore, players who reach out to multinational online casinos available to international players will find that the majority of popular online casinos like 888 Casino and Casoo Casino offer a huge variety of slots, video slots, tables, and card games which will suit the preferences of even the pickiest player. In addition, the vast majority of these online casinos provide games produced by some of the best developers around there as slots are delivered by NetEnt and Live Casino segments are provided by the one and only Evolution Gaming.

Unique Bonuses for Casinos with the Albanian Language

At the moment, there are plenty of exclusive casino bonuses at many online casinos operating in Albania, such as bonuses, deals, and promotions that are ready to claim from players. However, need you do not worry there are plenty of online casinos that provide Albanian as a language option, which also provide players with a huge variety of bonuses and cash rewards.

Additionally, in order to qualify for these bonuses provided by casinos like Casinoin and Rabona players must first register to the casino and deposit funds in order to be eligible to claim the bonus. Furthermore, Albaniangamblers should be extremely careful when choosing methods of depositing funds as bank transfer and credit/debit card transactions may be tracked back to the source which means they could suffer fines for even trying to attend an online casino. In essence, there are plenty of bonuses and prizes, but players must be wary and look over the terms and conditions in great detail, before choosing a bonus or deal to play with.

Why Should you choose a Casino with the Albanian Language?

If you are a native Albanian speaker, there is really nothing to discuss when it comes down to why choosing an online casino that provides Albanian as a language option is an obvious choice to make. The whole gambling experience will be made more enjoyable if the whole site is displayed in one’s native tongue as that immediately eliminates any queries players might have with regard to the wording and specifics of any offers or game preferences.

Furthermore, there is a wide range of online casinos that offer Albanian as a language option therefore players have a huge selection to choose from. Not to mention that the vast majority of online gambling clubs that offer such a language option also consist of a massive game library that consists of quality games provided by world-class providers like NetEnt and Playtech. Additionally, we should mention that all of the casinos we have enlisted are perfectly compatible with mobile devices, therefore Albania speakers can access their favorite games from anywhere. Ultimately all of the casinos we refer to our Albanian gamblers are fully licensed by recognized authorities like the UKGC, the MGA, and the Government of Curacao.

We have tested the Operators Customer Support in Albanian

In our opinion what makes a good casino stand out from the rest is the care and help they provide to their players aimed towards improving their customer experience. All of the online casinos we have provided that offer Albanian as a language option come with Customer Support available in this language available via live chat, email, or even phone line. Quality support teams that provide help in one’s mother tongue make it much easier for players to address the issue at hand, therefore, making it much easier for players to resolve these issues and get back to playing their favorite games. In general, most of the international online casinos operating on the Albanian market allow players to contact them for queries via live chat and email.

The Best Casino Software for Casinos with the Albanian Language

All of the online casino clubs that provide Albanians as a part of their multilingual platform are licensed and registered under some type of legal renowned authority, most of them being licensed under states like Malta, Curacao, and the United Kingdom which hold the best and most reliable gambling authorities. The license of a gambling club stands as proof of evidence to the casino’s quality and the fact that they provide quality games to their customers. The best online casinos work with famous industry-leading providers like NetEnt, Playtech, and Microgaming in order to ensure that their players receive the very best in terms of gaming experience and variety of games. Gamblers will find a variety of slots, video slots, table games, card games, and most importantly Live Casino games from top-notch developers like the ones mentioned above.

The Albanian – speaking online casinos are a great destination for Albanian Gamblers

Without a doubt, we believe that online casinos that provide native Albanian speakers with the option to play in their own language are the best fit for these types of players as it makes it easier for them to navigate through the casino and to play to the best of their abilities. Moreover, there are various online casinos supplied by world-class game developers that have this option therefore Albanian speakers will find an abundance of choices and will undoubtedly find an online casino that suits their needs and preferences.

To conclude, online casino players from Albania must be very careful as the online gambling market is not forbidden by the laws introduced by their government, and playing with real money is allowed, but players must be careful when withdrawing and depositing funds as there are high taxes introduced by the government in recent years to get more from the revenue of online casinos. In general, there are plenty of casinos with large bonuses, deals, and promotions available to online casino players from Albania, and most importantly all of the clubs are licensed meaning that players’ data is well protected at all times. Ultimately, in today’s online gambling society almost every single casino offers a fully compatible mobile version, therefore players can also enjoy their games from anywhere.

FАQ Ѕесtіоn – Online casinos with the Albanian Language

Is Live Casino Blackjack available in Albania?

At the moment, there is no clear law for Live Casino games, but from what we derived from their 2008 Gambling Law they are not forbidden.

Can one play with real money at Online Albanian Casinos?

There is no problem for Albanian players to deposit real funds in their account and gamble online.

Can I withdraw my funds from an online Albanian casino?

Іf уоu саn dероѕіt, уоu саn wіthdrаw. Ноwеvеr, уоu muѕt bе саrеful whеn іt соmеѕ dоwn tо thе wіthdrаwаl рrосеѕѕ аѕ ѕоmеtіmеѕ thе fееѕ саn bе hіghеr thаn ехресtеd ѕо lооk оvеr thе tеrmѕ аnd соndіtіоnѕ саrеfullу, аnd сhесk thе рауmеnt mеthоd уоu аrе uѕіng.

What is the best Albanian Online Casino?

Аt thе mоmеnt, thеrе іѕ nо ѕіnglе bеѕt оnlіnе саѕіnо ореrаtіng оn thе Аlbаnіаn mаrkеt, аnd аѕ еvеrуbоdу hаѕ а dіffеrеnt tаѕtе, thаt іѕ uр tо рlауеrѕ tо dесіdе.

How do I register for an Albanian online casino?

Тhе rеgіѕtrаtіоn рrосеѕѕ іѕ quіtе ѕtrаіghtfоrwаrd, рlауеrѕ nееd tо ѕіmрlу сhооѕе аn оnlіnе саѕіnо thеу’d lіkе tо аttеnd, thеn ореn uр аn ассоunt, dероѕіt thе mіnіmum аmоunt rеquіrеd аnd thеn уоu саn сlаіm уоur bоnuѕ аnd ѕtаrt рlауіng.

The Author

The Author

Fred Anderson

Site Admin

Fred Anderson is the site administrator and one of the owners of CasinoDaddy. With years of experience in the iGaming industry, he ensures the platform delivers top-tier casino reviews, promotions, and expert insights. Passionate about online gaming, he oversees content accuracy and website operations. His expertise in SEO and web development has helped CasinoDaddy grow into a leading casino affiliate site. Fred stays up to date with the latest trends, ensuring players get the best recommendations. When he’s not managing the site, he enjoys testing new games and keeping an eye on industry innovations.