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Switzerland Licensed Casinos – the Real Deal!

Маnу оf uѕ lооk аt Ѕwіtzеrlаnd wіth grеаt аdmіrаtіоn, аnd thеrе іѕ а gооd rеаѕоn fоr thаt, thіѕ соuntrу іѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt dеvеlореd ѕtаtеѕ оn thе glоbе аnd mаіntаіnѕ оnе оf thе hіghеѕt lіvіng ѕtаndаrdѕ. Ноwеvеr, іn thе gаmblіng аѕресt оf mаttеrѕ, wе саn ѕау thаt thе ѕtаtе’ѕ rеgulаtіоnѕ rеgаrdіng gаmblіng асtіvіtіеѕ аrе ѕtіll quіtе undеvеlореd, аnd thіѕ mау bе іn раrt duе tо thе fасt thаt gаmblіng ореrаtоrѕ wеrе bаnnеd frоm ореrаtіng оn thе tеrrіtоrу оf Ѕwіtzеrlаnd fоr thе mајоrіtу оf thе 20th сеnturу. Аll gаmblіng асtіvіtіеѕ wеrе рrоhіbіtеd bу lеgіѕlаtіоn раѕѕеd оn bеhаlf оf thе gоvеrnmеnt іn 1921.

Nоwаdауѕ, саѕіnоѕ bоth lаnd-bаѕеd аnd оnlіnе оnеѕ аrе ѕtіll а rеlаtіvеlу nеw соnсерt іn Ѕwіtzеrlаnd, but mаnу оf thе сіtіzеnѕ асknоwlеdgе thаt gаmblіng іѕ а fun асtіvіtу tо раѕѕ аwау thе frее tіmе thеу hаvе. Наvіng ѕаіd thаt, аn іntеrеѕtіng fасt іѕ thаt mоrе thаn 50% оf реорlе іn thе соuntrу раrtісіраtе іn thе аnnuаl lоttеrу. Аt thе mоmеnt, gаmblіng асtіvіtіеѕ ѕuсh аѕ Роkеr аnd Ѕроrtѕbеttіng аrе соmрlеtеlу lеgаl, аnd thе mаrkеt fоr ѕuсh асtіvіtіеѕ іѕ ехресtеd tо gаіn еvеn mоrе рорulаrіtу. Тhе mоѕt іmроrtаnt ріесе оf lеgіѕlаtіоn thаt thіѕ соuntrу hаѕ іntrоduсеd fоr gаmblіng оvеr thе раѕt сеnturу іѕ thеіr Fеdеrаl Lаw оn Gаmеѕ оf Сhаnсе аnd Саѕіnоѕ, wіth thе раѕѕіng оf thіѕ lеgіѕlаtіоn gаmblіng gаmеѕ іn Ѕwіtzеrlаnd wеrе ѕрlіt іntо саtеgоrіеѕ оf ѕkіll аnd gаmеѕ оf сhаnсе, рrеvіоuѕlу оnlу gаmеѕ оf сhаnсе wеrе аllоwеd tо bе рlауеd іn Ѕwіѕѕ-bаѕеd оnlіnе саѕіnоѕ.

The Best Switzerland Licensed Casinos Hand-Picked by CasinoDaddy

Right now there are very little online casinos that hold a license issued by the Swiss government, and even on land, there are not many casinos in the country as a whole. At the moment, there are a total of 19 casinos spread over the territory of Switzerland, as well as 11 horse tracks. However, there are online casinos that players can reach, as of this moment, Swiss-based players are allowed to bet on licensed websites because right now there is no proper regulation in place to regulate the online gambling market. Additionally, Swiss players are not allowed to bet on local casinos websites according to national legislation, that is why many of them choose to attend international casino operators.
If you are looking for a top-notch online casino then look no further: Cobra Casino is a brand new online casino that provides players with more than 2000 games from world-class providers like Playtech, Quickspin, NetEnt, Wazdan, Yggdrasil and many others. Additionally, this club gives players the option to play 4 different games at the same time, not only that but they also offer lucrative welcome bonuses as well as an exclusive VIP package stacked with different promotions and deals that you can take advantage of. Ultimately, at this site, you will see that all your personal information is kept well protected and safe, and they also offer a fully compatible mobile version so that you can enjoy your favorite games from anywhere.
Cadabrus Casino is a new online casino with a superb user interface that features a simple gameplay design, which lets you dive into an unforgettable world filled with exciting games from the industry’s leading software providers. This website lets you explore top games from software developers like NetEnt, Playtech, and Microgaming. Additionally, they provide you with a crazy Rabbit that acts as your personal assistant that accompanies you in your journey hovering around poker games, table games, slots roulettes, and many others.
Additionally, this gambling club provides players with a variety of bonuses, deals, and promotions. Players can take advantage of these by depositing funds into their account and at this online casino that is extremely easy as they offer players with a huge variety of payment options with more than 5 currency options.
A true masterpiece that is what Rabona Casino is, a truly exceptional online gambling club that offers amazing games from the best software developers currently in the game, they offer games from top-notch providers like NetEnt, Yggdrasil, Microgaming, and many others. In addition, their site has a sportsbook section that lets players bet on some of the biggest sports events on the face of the globe. Furthermore, at this gambling club, you can deposit and withdraw funds instantly, as they provide you with a wide array of payment methods that you can choose from.
However, the best aspect of this online casino is truly the smooth running of the user interface with no delays that just make the whole experience truly one of a kind. Ultimately, you can also access the site of Rabona from any mobile device or tablet, as their platform is fully compatible with all iOS and Android devices.

The Beautiful Country of Switzerland

Switzerland is officially referred to as the Swiss Federation is a country located in the middle of the meeting point of Central and Western Europe and it has it all. The country is composed of 26 cantons, but the federal authorities are situated in Bern. When it comes down to its geography, this state is landlocked and borders Italy, France, Germany, Austria, and Lichtenstein and is one of the smallest countries in Europe, the total area of the country is 41,285 km squared.
Nevertheless, this country has some of the most beautiful sights one can get their eyes on, as the majority of the country is occupied by the Alps, which is the largest mountain range in Europe. Moreover, an interesting fact about this country is that the population is quite large when compared to the country’s landmass, there are a total of 8.5 million people residing in Switzerland.Moreover, as most of you may know, the Swiss capital is not Zurich interestingly enough that it is the largest financial center, which is a driving force of the country’s successful economy. The capital is Bern due to its location near Germany, and it has been this way since 1848.
Additionally, when it comes down to official languages no other country can compare itself with Switzerland, as they have 4 official languages, those being German, French, Italian, and Romansh. It is safe to say that Swiss citizens are born bilingual, and the country’s population is as diverse as it gets as there are people from all around the world that reside in this beautiful country. Moreover, this state is home to some of the most famous organizations in the world, being home to the headquarters of FIFA and the UN’s second-largest office is situated there as well.

History of the Swiss Federal Gaming Board

It is inscribed in Swiss law that federal and cantonal supervisory regulators are the ones that have to take care of the necessary implementation of gambling legislation. All cash gambling games that are classed as games of luck are handled and supervised by the Swiss Federal Gaming Board (SFGB), they operate as a separate legal authority, but are part of the Department of Justice and Police. This government body can impose strict regulations and fines on those who do not follow the law and provide gambling options to Swiss players illegally or without holding a license.
Furthermore, the Gaming Board are ones who issue regulatory guidelines on the operations of casinos, and they monitor all gambling clubs’ compliance with the Federal Act of Chance and Casinos of 1998. Nevertheless, the ones that place games into categories of games of chance and games of skill are the SFGB. Moreover, the authority which issues licenses is the Swiss Federal Council and they also determine the total number of licenses that may be issued. The Betting Board of Switzerland was officially established in 2006 and they are the ones that act as a licensing and supervising authority for sports betting casinos and lottery establishments working on the territory of the country.

The benefits of Playing at a Switzerland Licensed Casino

If you are an experienced casino player, you will see that there are some advantages to attending online casinos with a Swiss License, but there are not many of them, or from what we know at the moment there aren’t any. This is in fact because there are no proper laws put in place that regulate online casinos, and the legal guidelines and regulations with regard to players’ and operators’ rights on the territory of this country are quite unclear. The Swiss legislation with regard to online casinos is still a grey area as it is in most European states, but one thing is for sure, Swiss players can calmly and safely attend international online casinos, and oh boy is there a wide choice to select from.
At many of the gambling clubs you will find a wide range of top-notch games from world-renowned developers like NetEnt, Playtech, Microgaming, and Evolution Gaming, so it is safe to say that you will be entertained. Additionally, this country allows its gambling market only authorized gambling clubs that are granted a license and operate in accordance with the law.

Anti Fraud Policy of the Switzerland Licensing Commission

The main government body set in place to largely keep players safe and protect all data which circulates around casinos and gambling clubs, in general, is the Betting Board alongside the SFGB. The Betting Board was established in 2006 and it makes sure that betting and lottery establishments operating in Switzerland do so in compliance with the law and are not imposters who do so illegally. Moreover, the SFGB, are the ones that implement the power of the law and put it into practical use, they monitor the gambling activities as a whole, and make sure that players who wish to gamble are not put in a disadvantageous position, they decide which game falls into what category. Ultimately, the combined work of these top-ranking government authorities is what protects not only players and operators from any fraudulent intent.

News related to Switzerland Casino License

What Switzerland can do for Your Online Casino

When it comes down to online casinos, Switzerland is not a preferred destination for international online casinos operators as the laws with regard to web-based gambling activities are quite unclear and that is something that worries most operators. Additionally, the Gaming Board that regulates all gambling activities has the right to stem the powers of the Federal Act of Games of Chance and Casinos 1998, and apply them when it corners illegal operators or those not possessing licenses.
Additionally, an advantage for international operators is the fact that Swiss players can attend international online casinos that do not hold a license issued by the Swiss authorities, but one thing is that the casino must be licensed by a respected regulatory body in the face of either the UKGC, MGA or the Curacao Government. Additionally, most of the online casinos available to gamblers from Switzerland provide players with a huge variety of table games, card games, slots, and Live Casino games from top-notch providers from all around the world. Ultimately, at the majority of online casinos available on the Swiss market, you will find that there are countless payment methods that players can use to deposit and withdraw funds.

Players Protection in Switzerland Licensed Casinos

One of the most important aspects of any online casino and the main job of regulatory bodies is to protect the players when engaging in gambling activities and also protecting their personal data. For this reason, the Swiss government has introduced the Betting Board and the SFGB that monitor all gambling and lottery activities, these make sure that casinos, in general, do not take advantage of players and make sure that all the information that is handled by them is stored safely. Additionally, the Gaming Board makes sure that the ones operating on the market are licensed and regulated by the relevant government entities. Ultimately, we can guarantee that the Swiss authorities know how to make sure that an online casino keeps your finances and personal data safe, after all this is what Switzerland is known around the world for.

Switzerland Egaming Contact Details

Jurisdiction: Switzerland
Type: Local
Founded: 2006
Address: Eigerplatz 1 CH-3003 Bern
Phone: + 41 58 463 12 04/ +41 58 463 12 06

The Author

The Author

Dean Winchester is a casino enthusiast and gaming analyst dedicated to uncovering the best online casinos. With a keen eye for game variety, security, and exclusive promotions, he ensures players get the most out of their gambling experience. His in-depth reviews and expert tips make CasinoDaddy a trusted source for all things iGaming. Whether it's strategy guides or the latest jackpot news, Dean keeps readers ahead of the game.