New Game
Uр untіl nоw, 2019 turnеd оut tо bе аn ехрlоѕіvе уеаr іn thе wоrld оf оnlіnе gаmblіng. Тесhnоlоgісаl аdvаnсеmеntѕ ѕеrvеd аѕ а саtаlуѕt tо mаnу оnlіnе ореrаtоrѕ whо tооk thе орроrtunіtу іn lаunсhіng nеw рlаtfоrmѕ аnd ѕеrvісеѕ tо furthеr ѕеrvісе thеіr рlауеrѕ. Оn thе оthеr hаnd, рlауеr’ѕ ехресtаtіоnѕ grеw аnd thе соmреtіtіоn іn thе fіеld оf gаmе dеvеlорmеnt рuѕhеd ѕоftwаrе рrоvіdеrѕ аrоund thе wоrld tо lаunсh nеw аnd bеttеr gаmеѕ. Тhrоughоut thе уеаr wе hаvе оbѕеrvеd аnd mоnіtоr thе еvоlutіоn оf thе оnlіnе gаmblіng аrеnа аnd wе реrіоdісаllу аѕѕеѕ аnd rеvіеw nеw саѕіnоѕ, іn оrdеr tо brіng уоu thе nеwеѕt іnfоrmаtіоn іn thе іnduѕtrу.
Our main priority is to focus on the newest developments and continually investigate new operators. In doing so, we are able to inform you about the most interesting new casinos and sports betting sites. We analyze each new vendor in detail, check their licensing information, the quality of the customer service department, the fairness of the games, the overall availability of the most popular payment methods and, of course, the wagering requirements of the welcome bonuses. This site aims to be the only invaluable resource for every player in the US – gamble safe, gamble responsibly! – we are here to unveil the lucrative world of online gaming.
Wіth оnlу vеrу lіttlе tіmе lеft bеfоrе Сhrіѕtmаѕ – bесаuѕе wе аll knоw hоw fаѕt thіѕ mоnth раѕѕеѕ – еvеrуbоdу іѕ іn а hurrу tо gеt аѕ mаnу thіngѕ dоnе bеfоrе thе hоlіdауѕ. Тhе wеаthеr оutѕіdе mіght bе frіghtful but wе аrе рrераrіng fоr а wаrm Сhrіѕtmаѕ іn аll іtѕ bеаutу, wіth fаmіlу аnd frіеndѕ bу оur ѕіdе.
Аnd wіth ѕо mаnу thіngѕ tо dо іn ѕо lіttlе tіmе, оur tеаmѕ hаvе рrераrеd nоt оnlу thе uѕuаl mоnthlу rесоmmеndаtіоnѕ but а lіѕt оf thе bеѕt саѕіnо bоnuѕеѕ fоr Сhrіѕtmаѕ 2019! Ѕо, аѕ а ѕресіаl gіft, nоt оnlу dо уоu gеt tо rеаd thе nеwеѕt саѕіnо rеvіеwѕ fоr thе mоnth, but аn uрdаtеd lіѕt оf thе grеаtеѕt wеlсоmе оffеrѕ оn thе mаrkеt, ѕресіfісаllу dеѕіgnеd fоr Dесеmbеr 2019!
Ѕо аѕ thе hоlіdау ѕрlеndоr kісkѕ іn аnd уоu’rе wаrmіng uр tо аll thе јоу аnd сhееr, рrераrе fоr ѕоmе оf thе hоttеѕt рrіzеѕ thе уеаr hаѕ еvеr ѕееn. Еvеrу ореrаtоr оut thеrе рutѕ uр thе bеѕt аnd thе mоѕt gеnеrоuѕ оffеrѕ, thе nеwеѕt gаmеѕ, аnd thе bіggеѕt рrіzеѕ. ‘Тіѕ thе ѕеаѕоn tо bе јоllу іndееd – ѕее whаt thе bеѕt nеw саѕіnоѕ іn Dесеmbеr 2019 hаvе рrераrеd fоr уоu!
December has finally arrived. So does a great number of new online casinos in December 2019. A month of lights, snow, and feasts. It is a time to make amends and tie up loose ends. Time to finish what you started and hope that your dreams will come true. December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come. What we know for sure is that many new changes will take place in the online casino industry. As the New Year Eve is around the corner, let’s make sure we do not miss out on any new online casinos in December 2019. Our team of experts kept an eye and tested a lot of new casinos in 2019 and from all these, we have built the incredible new casino lists that we hope you enjoyed. We will continue working on the new casino listing selection throughout 2020. December brings a lot of Holiday cheer and plenty of amazing casino bonuses. Likewise, make sure you do not miss our Christmas casino bonuses for 2019. These can guarantee you extra funds during the holiday while playing your favorite Christmas-themed slots from the comfort of your home. Thus, we encourage you to check out and play the new casinos that made our list. There are some great new games out there this month, too. We hope you have found the new casinos is 2019 exciting and we will be on the outlook for more new reliable casinos in 2020! Stay tuned!
Веfоrе іntrоduсіng уоu tо thе lаtеѕt brаndѕ іn оur саѕіnо lіѕt, wе wіll ѕhоw уоu hоw dеdісаtеd wе аrе tо bе uр tо dаtе wіth аll rесеnt trеndѕ hарреnіng оn thе mаrkеt. Wе аrе dеlіghtеd tо іnfоrm уоu thаt mеmbеrѕ оf оur tеаm аttеndеd thе 6th еdіtіоn оf ЅіGmа 2019. Вut whу іѕ thіѕ ѕо ехсіtіng? ЅіGМА hаѕ іnсrеаѕеd іn ѕіzе, ѕсоре аnd ѕuссеѕѕ оvеr thе lаѕt fіvе уеаrѕ аnd nоw іt іѕ nоw runnіng іtѕ bіggеѕt ѕhоw. Оur tеаm hаd thе орроrtunіtу tо nеtwоrk wіth thе lеаdеr оf thе іGаmіng іnduѕtrу. Моrе іmроrtаntlу, wе hаd thе сhаnсе оf ѕtrіkіng dеаlѕ wіth ѕоmе оf thе bіggеѕt brаndѕ wоrldwіdе. Аѕ wе аlrеаdу mеntіоnеd thе еvеnt wаѕ аttеndеd bу mаnу реорlе. Ву mаnу wе mеаn thаn mоrе thаn 125000 dеlеgаtеd раrtісіраtеd іn thе еvеnt whісh tооk рlасе іn Маltа. Тhе іGаmіng buѕіnеѕѕ іѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt соmреtіtіvе оut thеrе аnd ЅіGМА іѕ роѕіtіоnеd аt thе сuttіng еdgе оf іt. Неnсе, wе wеrе mоrе thаn hарру tо аttеnd thе bіggеѕt glоbаl іGаmіng еvеnt іn thе wоrld whісh wаѕ fіllеd wіth а grеаt numbеr оf ехhіbіtѕ аnd ѕроnѕоrѕ.
The winter holidays are approaching rapidly and the festive atmosphere is floating in the air. This season we are in for a treat, as every new casino launches special bonuses and promotions that are in tune with the holidays. We have updated our monthly list of new casinos for November 2019 so you can focus on awesome gaming sessions.
Busier than ever, the top brands in the business are launching bigger and better platforms that have the potential to cater to every single customer out there and fit their specific playstyle. Our experts have carefully reviewed the top new casinos in October 2019 and you can read more about it here.
The 1st Monday of the month brings us an important celebration – Labor Day – as autumn makes her debut. The young adults are preparing for school and the rest of us out there can take some time off to enjoy some well-deserved R&R. With that in mind, our teams updated the monthly list for new casinos in September 2019. See what’s new and what the hottest new casinos are by clicking here .
The online gambling market is experiencing record growth and the new operators are launching new sites to accommodate the entertainment needs of their new customers. But what makes a new casino great? We have asked ourselves the same question and we updated the reviews for new casinos in August 2019 focusing on bonuses, games collection, customer service, platform quality and safety. Let’s see what the month has in store for you!
July marks an important step taken in the technological advancements that power the gambling industry. Faster loading times and lightning-fast platforms become more and more common and great care is placed on building an authentic user experience. The newest HTML5 standards are adopted on a wider scale and pretty much every site out there is optimized for mobile access. A good example is Gudar, a brand new casino in July 2019 and it truly aims to be your one-stop destination for all your gambling needs. Besides the hundreds of free spins that are given to you as a welcome bonus, find out what other surprises this operator holds – read more about it.
A new month, a new list of updated casinos! . Our calendar is fitted with the latest news in the industry and plenty of important information that will help you make the right decision. Find the casino that best fits your needs by reading our new casino list for June 2019.
To qualify with our requirements, a new casino has to be licensed and certified, must accept the most popular payment methods – and process said payments in a timely fashion – must have a high level of customer service and above all else, its games must have fair mechanics. After all the analysis is made, we fully review the casino and present you with the result. Discover the new casinos that made the May 2019 list!
In pretty much any industry, competition pushes innovation and the one who benefits most is the consumer. Things are no different in the online gambling industry and with more and more online casinos being launched, you are spoiled for choice. Discover the new casinos in April 2019 and check out our top picks for the month.
This spring your front-row seat to an authentic Vegas experience is assured, as our new casinos in March 2019 list is ready. The hottest new entries on the market are taking the world of online entertainment by storm, with user-friendly platforms, generous bonuses and epic games. With a great design and a top platform, we welcome Wazamba casino as one of our top pics. If you’re one to appreciate everything a casino has to offer, then you’re in for a treat at Wild Jackpots, home of the best online slots. Shopping around for the best odds on any sporting event? – say no more! Check out the fast-growing TonyBet casino.
So let’s just assume the groundhog did not predict the coming of warmer days and you’re not really into long walks in the cold – but fear not, things are about to get really hot, really quick. Our updated list for the newest casinos in February 2019 is ready and since we closely follow the dynamic and evolution of the industry, we can tell you what the latest platforms you can play at are. We were impressed with CasiPlay and the many free spins offered upon registration, but there are many other generous casinos. Read our detailed analysis and find your new favorite!
Happy New Year! We begin a new chapter with hopes for a better year and wishing everyone out there tons of luck, mountains of cash and all the health in the world. This year the online casino market is expected to grow beyond any prediction, especially since the legislation is becoming more flexible and big brands out there are launching newer and better sites. We follow the trend and watch over the industry and that’s what enables us to create the list for new casinos in January 2019 – a monthly calendar dedicated to you. Following our recommendations, you will find licensed casinos, great welcome bonuses, a great choice of games and a wide variety of payment options you can freely use. With a permanently updated list of new casinos, we have to highlight MelBet – our sports betting tip, a top slot casino like Spinia casino and the great live games at Casino Joy
Technological advancement is stronger than ever before and this can be seen in the online casino market. More and more new games, ways to play, and new bonuses for grabs — everything is possible.
With emerging technologies like live dealers, virtual and augmented reality, and new cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the online casino industry has seen a lot of advancement lately. Well-known worldwide companies like Microgaming, Playtech, International Game Technology (IGT), Betsoft, NetEnt, are just of the names hard at work developing the newest additions to the field. All of these developers know just how competitive the online gambling market is, which pushes them even further to develop great products.
The well-known traditional slot machines operate using coins, but now they are a thing of the past. The innovative technology that video slot machines use has left the mechanical machines behind in the competition, making way for the future of iGaming. The modernized online slot games have introduced the flashy side of Las Vegas, and are paying millions of dollars to the lucky ones.
Progress in the slot machine technology over the past 10 years has been occurring in leaps and bounds, with virtual gaming now a reality and mobile gambling being one of the most sought after ways of playing and enjoying the games in the 21st century. It’s estimated that there will be more than 200 million people playing and accessing services offered by online casinos through their mobile phones by 2019, with a large majority of these people being the millennials.
The speedy revolution of mobile gambling was a testament to the time and a majority of the new online casinos 2019 planning to establish a whole new concept on mobile gambling. Without advancing and developing their mobile platforms, most of the casino operators and software developers are bound to lose a very large portion of their gaming revenue. Therefore keeping themselves updated with times has become very important than ever before!
Live dealer betting is the next big advancement in the iGaming industry. Thanks to this platform, you can now experience what is like to bet at a land-based casino located in Las Vegas straight to your device or PC. Live dealer gaming is another milestone as far as progression is concerned from the basic online casinos that we were once accustomed to with a broad assortment of modern, sophisticated online games. In the back of the minds of the typical bettor, the live dealer was the pinnacle of online casino betting.
And therefore, there’s this question going around: what’s the next move for the world of live dealer casino?Well, seemingly, the online casinos will try and break the boundaries of gambling once again!
Immediately after the launch of GameFace and Oculus Rift into the market a few years ago, it was no surprise that the iGaming industry and more especially the online casino arm was going to start taking advantage of this modern technology. This new VR experience was a game-changer in so many ways, and it is now the new way of trying out the technological advancements offered in the industry.Now, bettors can easily use this new technology and have one of the best land-based experiences from the comfort of their VR headset.
Admittedly, the VR craze happened sooner than expected, with the players in the online casino industry releasing software that’s perfectly suited for VR gambling not long after these devices were launched into the market.
Therefore, with VR set to be a big attractive feature for most of the millennials, coupled with the improvement of bonus offers, security, personalization, creativity, and customer support, the future of new online casino 2019 looks bright!
Factors that have influenced the growth of virtual gaming establishments are among those that will see them through to 2019. Some of the factors that are impacting positively on the sustainability of online casinos include:
Over time, online casinos are increasing the number of payment methods that players can use to fund their accounts. This element is a plus for virtual gaming establishments and has helped players deposit and withdraw funds hassle-free. Some of the available systems that players can use to fund their accounts are digital wallets, debit or credit cards, cheques, bank transfers, and vouchers. These payment methods are available in most regions of the globe making it easy for gamers intending to play on the internet for real money. Most of these standard cashier options have gone digital, and players can conduct all their transactions online without having to visit a physical finance institution.
Software provider companies play significant roles in the shaping of the virtual casinos’ future. Games developed by these firms are adapting to changes in the gaming world to fulfill the needs of the ever-growing number of virtual gamblers. Business to business solutions designed for virtual establishments are also becoming more efficient to ensure that the gaming sites run with minimal or no glitches at all. Business intelligence services and analytic tools being developed in recent times work towards collecting necessary data from clients to help improve on the kind of products availed in online casinos. Software provision is advancing rapidly to cater to the needs of all gamblers a factor that will help casinos maintain their popularity in 2019 and the years to come.
Games on virtual gambling sites borrow densely from land-based casinos. This characteristic is among the factors that have helped gaming sites accrue a vast following. Some of the game families that are common in most establishments on the internet are:
These games are being improved on a regular basis to feature more interactive characteristics and well-designed audiovisuals.
Online casinos are embracing trends in the finance world to come up with software compatible with a range of currencies. Where a particular kind of money cannot be used directly, virtual gaming establishments are providing conversion rates to allow gamers to deposit an equivalent to what is allowed at the casino. Digital money such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are also making an entry into the gaming scene. These new currencies come with merits that will interest gamers who are afraid of sharing their financial information online.
Online casinos are available for various platforms both in download and with no download forms. Creating sites that have a high affinity for mobile is a factor that has helped most online casinos grow. Mobile casino applications are being developed to make virtual gaming sites compatible with multiple operating systems.
Customer service teams have more options currently as compared to when online casinos were starting out. Presently, gamers have an array of options to use when contacting support. Some of the systems already in place are live chat, emails, telephone, WhatsApp, and Skype. More communications channels are gradually being incorporated to make it easier for gamers to contact support.
Over the years, countries are legalizing online gambling due to its prevalence and significant revenues. Most gambling laws are being amended to favor online gambling establishments. The stringent regulations put in place to control the activities of virtual gaming establishments are making them credible, hence, attractive to a broader population. The number of restricted nations in online casinos is going down significantly too due to the legalization of gaming in those jurisdictions.
Virtual gaming establishments are being provided in many languages that residents of the new target countries can understand. This strategy is keeping most online casinos in business now and in the future.
Online casinos are still creating new dimensions regarding the essential functions such as those discussed above that will keep players interested in playing virtual casino games in 2019, which will enhance their popularity.
New slot games that will likely be popular in 2019
Berryburst has been announced by NetEnt and it appears to be a successor to the Starburst slot, the hugely popular title from the developer’s collection. This time, we’re looking at a game that uses Cluster Pays and which has fruits for its major symbols, though the production value is big enough that this isn’t as boring as in other games released in this category.
Archangels: Salvation is a unique game in NetEnt’s collection, being a slot machine that not only has 6 reels, but it also delivers 100 lines on them. Apparently, this is their first slot to offer that many active lines and the game feels like an experiment for them based on the way it was designed.
One of the big branded productions that have been announced byNetEntfor 2018, Jumanji is going to be a slot machine that’s based on the film that appeared in 1995, not on the recently released sequel.
Lost Relics is a game that has been designed byNetEnt, a slot machine with an Indiana Jones inspiration, but with a young woman taking the main role. It’s going to feature the standard high-end design that NetEnt is known for, and it will be available on all types of platforms, from mobile to desktop.
Help the penguins escape to get huge prizes in Yggdrasil’s exciting new slot. The new slot takes players to the world of Penguin City, where the evil Emperor Penguin is keeping his subjects as slaves.
The main feature of the game is the Penguin Escape Mode, which launches once a Wild appears on the second or fourth reel on a winning spin. This Wild then remains for the Escape mode, which respins until you get a losing spin.
Additionally, in Escape mode, the penguins can gift players with extra Sticky Wilds on the second and fourth reels, as well as a possible winning symbol on the third reel. If a player hits the Emperor Stacked Wild, he will get guaranteed wins on every spin until the emperor leaves the reels. When the Penguin Escape Mode activates, a penguin will make a bid for freedom on each spin until a winless spin.
The Blackjack game item includes great gameplay and a 3D dealer to make the best experience possible.
There can be up to three players sitting on a table, and an option to stand. Players can observe other players, and the amount they are wagering and winning.
Like in any decent Blackjack game, the game offers every standard choice including Insurance, Even Money, Split, Double and Double after Split, as well as some uncommon options only available in Sonya Blackjack.
The different casinos can completely modify the game – including both the dealer and the setting – or go with the standard version. This option will be available when the game launches.
It wasn’t very long ago that the thought of legal online gambling in theUnited Stateswas the stuff of legend. But in 2019, it isn’t just a reality, it’s spreading across the United States in many forms.With momentum growing, states with legal online gambling could be the norm and not the exception in the not too distant future.
To date, four states have legalized online casino and/or online poker.
Six states have authorized online lottery.
Online sports betting is in the works in at least two states.
Setting aside the “is it gambling” debate, daily fantasy sports have been legalized in no less than 19 states.
Furthermore, all manner of gaming legislation is on the table in a countless number of states.
Thank you for reading about the new casinos at CasinoDaddy.com. We are constantly updating our New Casinos list, so don’t forget to visit us regularly! See New Casinos 2020 and New Casinos 2021
It is worth mentioning that the new casinos in 2019 can compete differently in other countries depending on the local regulations. Our team is also keeping track of the new casinos in other major markets. You can find the best new casinos 2019 for Finland, or the best new casinos in 2019 in Norway, the new casinos in Denmark, New Zealand, Japan or even the new casinos 2019 in the Swedish market and the best new casinos in Germany. We always deliver the most up to date information to our knowledge depending on the specific region.