Gambling Books – Become a Better Player by Reading Some of the Best Gambling Books of All Time

Оn thіѕ раgе wе’vе lіѕtеd а ѕеlесtіоn оf оur fаvоrіtе gаmblіng bооkѕ. Іf уоu hаvе аn іntеrеѕt іn gаmblіng аnd lіkе tо rеаd, thеn thеrе’ѕ рlеntу hеrе fоr уоu tо еnјоу. Іn fасt, mаnу оf thе bооkѕ lіѕtеd hеrе аrе аbѕоlutе muѕt-rеаdѕ fоr thе аvіd gаmblеr. Ѕоmе оf thеѕе саn turn уоu іntо а соnѕіѕtеnt wіnnеr іf уоu’rе dеdісаtеd еnоugh. Аll оf thеm wіll аt thе vеrу lеаѕt hеlр уоu tо gеt thе bеѕt роѕѕіblе vаluе fоr mоnеу whеn bеttіng аnd gаmіng. Тhіѕ іѕ а lіѕt оur bеѕt gаmblіng bооkѕ оf аll-tіmе. Іt соntаіnѕ bооkѕ аbоut blасkјасk, роkеr, ѕроrtѕ gаmblіng, vіdео роkеr, сrарѕ, rоulеttе, ѕlоt mасhіnеѕ, gаmblіng рѕусhоlоgу, саѕіnо tасtісѕ, аnd mоrе.

Тhе numbеr оf bооkѕ gіvіng аdvісе аnd buіldіng ѕtrаtеgіеѕ fоr thе gаmеѕ оf сhаnсе іѕ соuntlеѕѕ. Еvеrу nоw аnd thеn, а nеw оnе wіll bе рublіѕhеd, сlаіmіng іt hаѕ сrасkеd thе соdе tо brіngіng dоwn thе hоuѕе аnd hеlріng уоu bеаt thе оddѕ, but аmоng thеѕе, thеrе аrе а fеw tіtlеѕ thаt hаvе сhаngеd thе wоrld оf gаmblіng fоrеvеr аnd rеmаіn сult сlаѕѕісѕ fоr bоth аmаtеur аnd рrоfеѕѕіоnаl рlауеrѕ. Неrе аrе ѕоmе оf thе bіblеѕ оf gаmblіng уоu nееd tо аdd tо уоur lіbrаrу nоw.

Gambling 102 Casino Gambling For Dummies

Beat the Dealer

Edward O. Thorp

Edward O. Thorp is the father of card counting, and in this classic guide he shares the revolutionary point system that has been successfully used by professional and amateur card players for generations. A fascinating read and an indispensable resource for winning big, Beat the Dealer is the bible for players of this game of chance.

Gambling 102

Michael Shackleford

Often recognized as a leading gambling mathematician, since 1995 Michael Shackleford has provided web users with accurate information on how to play a wide range of casino games. Gambling 102 allows you easy access to several strategies: Perfect if you’re looking to brush up on your skills. Gambling 102 is by far one of the best all-round casino strategy guides currently available. If you’re looking for mathematical analysis you can trust, then look no further than Gambling 102.

Casino Gambling For Dummies

Kevin Blackwood

Insider secrets and tips for maximising profits while minimising losses when playing all of the major casino games are just the basis of this comprehensive casino guide. In addition, Blackwood explains odds as well as detailing winning strategies, bad bets, how to manage your money and how to gamble online.

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Our Book Review

The Video Poker Answer Book The Frugal Gambler

Bringing Down the House

Ben Mezrich

Ben Mezrich tells the story of a cluster of MIT understudies and alumni class living a definitive nerd dream: using math to profit. The mystery is in group play, pooling a bankroll to smooth out the impacts of difference (there’s no such thing as fortunes when math is your partner) and to give you a chance to utilize techniques that accentuate the experience and abilities of your colleagues.

The Video Poker Answer Book

John Grochowski

This is a landmark video poker complete guidebook. In The Video Poker Answer Book, John Grochowski gives his easy-to-understand insights in to how the machines work and the best strategies for attacking up-to-date variations on this casino standard.

The Frugal Gambler

Jean Scott

Casual gamblers will love this book. As well as some basic, but useful, casino game strategy it contains a ton of advice on how to get the best value out of the comp systems that all Las Vegas casinos (and other casinos around the world) offer. It has proved to be a real hit, and also spawned a follow up – “More Frugal Gambling”.

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The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Gambling Like a Pro

Stanford Wong

Stanford Wong is a very well-known gambling author. In this publication, he explains the rules and strategies of a number of casino games. There are no promises of amazing systems that will help you win your fortune like some other gambling books. Instead, there is simply a stack of useful information that is well written and easy to understand.

Beating the Casinos at Their Own Game

Peter Svoboda

Svoboda’s book about gambling is the kind of text that was openly written for amateurs, and as such it takes its sweet time to explain all the basics of each and every game. If you are looking for a starting point, for a gambling book that explains in simple words how to play and win at casino games, this book comes handy and covers all the bases.

Blackbelt in Blackjack

Arnold Synder

A masterpiece written by a legend in blackjack, this book seeks to educate players looking to win serious money at this game. All the tricks that one needs to know on how to become a professional blackjack player are hidden in the pages of this book.

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Sharp Sports Betting

Stanford Wong

This book discussed many aspects of betting on spots, and covers a variety of different wagering methods. You’ll need a solid grasp of math to get the best out of it, but it’s definitely a recommended read. It contains a number of sample problems, and the solutions, which helps to put a lot of the strategy into context.

Dummy Up and Deal

H. Lee Barnes

The glamorous world of casinos is seen very differently through the eyes of those that work in them. The author of this book was a dealer in some of the biggest Las Vegas casinos and he tells us stories from the other side of the gaming tables. It’s all very interesting stuff and a great insight into the life of a casino dealer.

Roll The Bones: The History of Gambling

David G. Schwartz

This is the most comprehensive narrative of the history of gambling ever written. It starts with a look at the first forms of gambling in pre-historic times and covers the topic through the ages right up to modern day internet gambling. It is a fascinating read for anyone with an interest in how gambling has evolved over time.

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Blackjack Secrets

Stanford Wong

For those hoping to master the art of card counting, this book not only discusses the technical aspects such as producing tables of strategy numbers and counting down decks, but it also details how to hide your activity with your behaviour and appearance. However, Blackjack Secrets isn’t just for the card counting maestros among us; it also includes interesting stories surrounding blackjack as well as a comprehensive guide to blackjack as a game.

Repeat Until Rich

Josh Axelrad

Players looking for an honest account of card-counting would do well to read Axelrad’s truthful account of life as part of a blackjack team.

New Complete Guide to Gambling

John Scarne

This guide covers every aspect of gambling at games of chance like the official rules, odds and house percentages. Every game and sporting event involving betting is reviewed and analysed with detailed advice and instructions on playing strategy.

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 Our Book Review

Fooled by Randomness

Nassim Taleb

Fooled by Randomness is the word-of-mouth sensation that will change the way you think about business and the world.

Weighing the Odds in Sports Betting

King Yao

This book by King Yao, author of the widely-acclaimed Weighing the Odds in Hold ’em Poker, should be used as a guideline to sports betting rather than a blueprint. The sports betting market changes and adapts quickly. The underlying principles shown in this book should help the reader adapt and continue to make good bets even when the market changes.

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The Author

The Author

Jensen Anderson is a seasoned iGaming expert with years of experience reviewing online casinos and slot games. Passionate about fair play and big wins, he dives deep into the latest casino trends, bonus offers, and game mechanics. His sharp insights help players navigate the ever-changing world of online gambling. Whether it’s the hottest new slots or the best high-roller deals, Jensen knows where to find them. Follow his expert takes on CasinoDaddy for the ultimate gaming experience.