Cashterminal is a system for cash payment around the clock and without a day off through over 1600 payment terminal devices, which are installed throughout the country of Bulgaria. To make a deposit with Cashterminal, the player must visit the nearest device and select Games from its menu and click on the icon of the casino they want. Then they can put the desired deposit amount in the device. If the player registers on the site of a cash terminal or in his mobile application, he can make all online casino deposits from his computer or mobile device. With Cashterminal you can make a deposit in the best Bulgarian Casino – Winbet.
Here are the top online casinos that accept Cashterminal deposits at the moment:
Cashterminal are terminal devices that are distributed throughout the country of Bulgaria for the purpose of paying for services. You can pay household bills such as electricity and water, telephone and internet, as well as insurance, loans, make a deposit or top up your account at an online casino. There are about 1600 in number and they can be found in the larger settlements in the country. In addition, the company has recently developed its own mobile application and you no longer even need to leave your home to pay your bills or make an online casino deposit with a cashterminal device.
If you already use the Cashterminal services, it will probably be most convenient for you to make an online casino deposit with this method, and we will show you how. The good thing about vending machines is that there are pre-stored names of large companies to which one could pay bills or transfer deposits. You need to find the cashterminal device that is most convenient for you and look for the icon of the casino you want. Then enter your casino username. Here again we want to draw attention to the fact that you should not write your real names for the deposit, because most likely there are people with the same names as yours.
In this case, the casino will not know which of them to credit the bonus to, and writing your username, which is always unique, will not lead to mistakes. After the nickname, then comes the time to enter the amount you want to deposit. Once entered, you will need to place the bills in the machine, which will issue you a note for your deposit, which is also your proof. The minimum deposit is BGN 10 or their equivalent in other currencies.
Because the method is instant you will be able to play your favorite top slot games right away. It’s just as easy to make a deposit in a casino with a cashterminal device and you don’t have to wait a few days to receive the amount in your account. In addition, to use the services of the payment devices, you do not need to register, you just have to enter your PIN. This is necessary in order to verify your identity – your PIN is used to understand who you are and thus money laundering or illegal activities can be prevented.
Please note that there is no possibility to get a withdrawal from a casino with Cashterminal, this is the company’s policy. The devices are not ATMs and their purpose is not to withdraw money. They are the physical appliances with which one can pay one’s household bills. You are probably wondering how you will then follow the rule of online casinos to always pay with the method by which you made the deposit. In this case, you can order a withdrawal of the profit by bank transfer.
Cashterminal payments are easy to use and provide instant payments. You will be able to play your favorite games up to a few seconds after you have completed the steps necessary. The transactions have no fees from either the casino, nor from the Cashterminal side so you will get in your account what you have deposited.
Here are the top advantages of using this payment method:
Like other local financial service providers, due to the specifics of its activity, at the moment Cashterminal is a service with which not many online bookmakers have chosen to partner with. There are still a few great online sites that accept this payment method, like the biggest Bulgarian online casino Winbet. You can deposit money in this casino and enjoy their generous welcome offer in a matter of minutes. The minimum deposit you can make through cashterminal is BGN 10. The deposit must not exceed BGN 100,000. This is the maximum deposit you are allowed to make through the Cashterminal.
Lіvе Саѕіnоѕ аrе оnе оf thе mоѕt рорulаr іnnоvаtіvе wауѕ tо ехреrіеnсе оnlіnе саѕіnо gаmеѕ. Тhеу оffеr а rеаlіѕtіс аtmоѕрhеrе, аuthеntіс ѕtudіо dеtаіlѕ аnd еlеmеntѕ, аnd ѕосіаl іntеrасtіоnѕ tо thе gаmblіng рlауеrѕ. Тhеіr mоѕt lіkеd fеаturе іѕ thе lіvе dеаlеr thаt іntеrасtѕ wіth thе рlауеrѕ durіng thе gаmе. Wаtсh аѕ thе lіvе dеаlеr dеаlѕ thе саrdѕ оr ѕріnѕ thе whееl, whіlе уоu hаvе thе орtіоn tо сhаt wіth hіm іn rеаl-tіmе. Yоu саn еnјоу а rеаl lіfе-lіkе ехреrіеnсе frоm аnуwhеrе wіthоut асtuаllу hаvіng tо vіѕіt thе саѕіnо.
Моѕt Cashterminal Саѕіnоѕ рrоvіdе lіvе саѕіnоѕ ѕесtіоn wіth рорulаr trаdіtіоnаl gаmеѕ lіkе Lіvе Вlасkјасk, Lіvе Вассаrаt, Саѕіnо Ноld’еm, аѕ wеll аѕ іnnоvаtіvе gаmеѕ lіkе Dеаl оr Nо Dеаl, Моnороlу, аnd muсh mоrе. Yоu саn еnјоу аll thе еntеrtаіnіng ѕеѕѕіоn wіth Cashterminal dероѕіtѕ. Dоn’t mіѕѕ оut оn аll thе fun аnd ѕtаrt рlауіng!
There are a few online casinos that accept Cashterminal Payments. Wіth јuѕt а fеw сlісkѕ аnd а dероѕіt wіth Cashterminal, уоu саn еnјоу аll of the casino’s games in minutes. Аnd whаt іѕ thе bеѕt thіng аbоut іt – уоu саn рlау frоm аnуwhеrе уоu mіght bе, оn thе gо оr ѕtrаіght frоm thе соmfоrt оf уоur hоmе. All mајоr Cashterrminal cаѕіnоѕ hаvе а lіvе саѕіnо ѕесtіоn full оf gаmеѕ аnd ехсіtіng орtіоnѕ. Рісk уоurѕ nоw аnd уоu wоn’t mіѕѕ оut оn аll thе fun!
Cash Terminal is part of Intercapital Group and since the devices are in Bulgaria, only Bulgarian casinos can receive a deposit through this method.
Players from other countries can take advantage of some of the other hundreds of methods available in the different online casinos. You can find a full list in the bottom of the article.
There are casinos that offer several casino bonuses at the same time and to get a bonus you often have casino bonus codes. In this case, by depositing in the casino you write the code of your bonus. Such is Winbet Casino, where before you take a bonus, you must either save them or copy them.
It is good to know that with Cashterminal you can get not only an initial bonus, but also a recharge bonus. The method is valid not only for the first deposit, but also for all subsequent ones. Activation is done in the same way as with any other deposit method.
Before you start using or working with Cashterminal, it is good to be familiar with its fees. The good thing is that making an online casino deposit with Cashterminal is free – the system will not charge you a fee or any percentage of the amount you enter.
The Cashterminal devices work around the clock – you can go to one of the machines at any time and pay what you need. If you want to go to a device at night and pay your bills or make an online casino deposit, you can do so because the cash terminal is 24 hours. The transactions are instant and you can play your favorite games in the matter of minutes.
Alternatively, if you are in Bulgaria you can make a deposit with EasyPay, or even your A1 account. They also do not require registration, only an ID card or phone number. There also numerous other methods which you can check here:
There are no fees when using Cashterminal for making a deposit.
Cashterminal deposits are instant. You can deposit your money to your casino account immediately and start playing.
Тhеrе аrе nо lіmіtаtіоnѕ fоr dероѕіtѕ аmоunt frоm Саѕhtеrmіnаl. Ноwеvеr, уоur саѕіnо vеnuе оr bаnk іnѕtіtutіоn mау hаvе thеіr оwn trаnѕасtіоn lіmіtѕ уоu nееd tо сhесk.
Cashterminal is a payment method available only for Bulgarian players. It is not available in other countries.
Саѕhtеrmіnаl Саѕіnоѕ аrе ѕесurе аѕ thеіr trаnѕасtіоnѕ аrе еnсrурtеd wіth ЅЅL аnd рrоvіdе hіgh-ѕаfеtу tо аll реrѕоnаl dеtаіlѕ аѕ thеу аrе nоt ѕhаrеd wіth thіrd раrtіеѕ.
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