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1. Introduction 1.1 The terms contained in this document (Standard Promotional Terms) apply to all promotional offers available through Our Platforms (each a Promotion) and, together with any applicable specific promotional terms, which may also be referred to as “Key Terms”, set out on the individual web landing page for the relevant Promotion (Specific Promotional Terms) and Our Terms of Service, Loyalty Program Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy (collectively, the Rules), form a legal agreement between You and Us and can only be amended with Our consent. By participating in any Promotion, You are indicating You accept and agree to be bound by the Rules. 1.2 You should check these Standard Promotional Terms and any applicable Specific Promotional Terms before participating in any Promotion. 1.3 In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these Standard Promotional Terms, any applicable Specific Promotional Terms and the Terms and Conditions of Use, the Specific Promotional Terms shall prevail, followed by these Standard Promotional Terms, but only to the extent necessary to resolve such conflict or inconsistency. 1.4 You can print a copy of these Standard Promotional Terms by selecting the print option from the “File” menu of Your browser. 1.5 Your use of each Platform itself and of any services available through that Platform are subject to the Rules.
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