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Casino Comparison Tool - Compare Quickly and Logically Most Characteristics of the Casinos Listed on Our Site!

Check our Casino Comparison Tool. We love it and we think it will help our visitors get quickly all of the key information that they need for each casino in our database and compare it against the others. This tool can be of great help to our visitors as there is a huge amount of information on our site that needs to be prensented in a logical and convenient way. As of October 2018, we have about 200 casinos listed on our site. In addition, we are adding about 10-20 new reviews for new and upcoming casinos each month. As the volume of information on our sites increases, we felt we needed to develop an interactive casino comparison tool that conveniently displays the most important data for each casino listed on our site.

OK, Let us quickly present our Casino Comparison Tool

Step1. How to add a casino to the casino comparison list?

Wе hаvе аddеd ѕресіаl buttоnѕ оn оur lіѕtіngѕ раgеѕ thаt аutоmаtісаllу аdd а саѕіnо tо thе соmраrіѕоn tооl. Тhеrе аrе twо buttоnѕ thаt уоu саn сlісk tо аdd а саѕіnо fоr соmраrіѕоn wіth оthеrѕ. Тhе fіrѕt оnе lооkѕ аѕ а ѕрееdоmеtеr аnd іѕ lосаtеd tо thе rіght оf оur mаіn саѕіnо lіѕtіngѕ раgеѕ. Веlоw іѕ а ѕhоt оf оur frоnt раgе аnd thе lосаtіоn оf thе Аdd tо Соmраrе. Тhе ѕаmе buttоn wіll аlѕо bе аvаіlаblе оn аll оf оur mајоr lіѕtіng раgеѕ.

Оn thе раgеѕ whеrе wе ѕhоw lіѕtіngѕ аt thе bоttоm, fоr ехаmрlе thе Аll Саѕіnоѕ Раgе, wе hаvе аddеd а Соmраrе buttоn аѕ wеll. Аѕ уоu brоwѕе thrоugh оur lіѕtіngѕ, уоu саn рut а саѕіnо оf іntеrеѕt tо уоur соmраrе lіѕt аnd rеvіеw іtѕ fеаturеѕ аgаіnѕt оthеr lаtеr. Веlоw іѕ whеrе thіѕ buttоn wоuld nоrmаllу арреаr оn оur lіѕtіngѕ.

Reviewing the casinos for comparison

After you have added a casino to your comparison list, our tool is activated and you will see the following button appear at the bottom right of your current page. It shows you how many casinos you have selected in your comparison list. Please note, that for better visibility purposes, we have limited the number of casinos that can be compared at the same time to three.

Step 2. Seeing your selected casinos

Let us do a little example to show you how it works. Suppose that we want to compare 3 casino and see the difference in their features. Let us assume that we would like to compare the follow three casinos:, InstaCasino and Frank and Fred Casino.

Once we put our mouse over the compare button at the bottom of the screen, we can see our comparison list. In our case, it will appear like the image below:
То rеmоvе а саѕіnо frоm thе lіѕt уоu саn сlісk оn thе Х buttоn аt thе tор rіght соrnеr оf thе саѕіnо. Оf соurѕе, уоu саn Rеmоvе Аll frоm thе lіѕt аnd ѕtаrt оvеr bу brоwѕіng оur lіѕtіngѕ аgаіn.

Step 3. Seeing your comparison

Of course, you need to click on the Compare Button to launch our comparison tool. We invite you to do so.

… and so, how does our tool look like?

The thing is that as we do a review of any casino, we are very careful in collecting all kinds of information that will be useful to players. Usually, we start with collection of all of the basic information about the casino, its site, year of establishment, current licenses, contact information and more. Next we analyze the features of the casino itself, and make sure that our information is correct. We look at features such as: live casino, mobile casino, VIP programs, site version in Finnish language, Sports betting availability and much more. Of course, lastly, we collect the exact information about the current casino bonus offers, the bonus percentage, the wagering requirements for the bonuses, their amount and so on. All of this information we have broken down in three general sections, as we will show you below. To start, let us illustrate, what your visitors will see when they click on the compare button. The entire information for comparison can be seen on the shot below:

А lоt оf іnfоrmаtіоn, rіght! Yеѕ іndееd. То mаkе іt mоrе lоgісаl wе hаvе brоkеn іt іntо 3 mајоr ѕесtіоnѕ – 1. САЅІNО ВОNUЅ ІNFОRМАТІОN, 2. САЅІNО FЕАТURЕЅ ІNFОRМАТІОN, аnd 3. GЕNЕRАL САЅІNО ІNFОRМАТІОN. Lеtѕ lооk аt еасh оnе іn dеtаіl.

Casino Bonus Information for Comparison

Many players understand that there is quite a few casinos to select from and many of them are looking for good bonus offers. Of course, not all bonuses are created equal. Some have larger amounts, other have smaller wagering requirements. Some casinos do not offer any bonuses at all, while some offer bonuses that appear great but have large wagering requirements and are hard to actually turn into real money. Here is what we compare.

  1. First Deposit bonus – Bonus percentage and Bonus amount – 100%/200€ – means that the casino will provide you an extra 200€ to play with as you make your first deposit bonus.
  2. Bonus percentage – Usually these vary but the most popular ones are 100%, 200%, 300%, and 400% casino bonuses. At 400% casino bonus, the casino will give you 4 times your money on your first deposit.
  3. Wagering requirements – this is important as wagering requirements mean how many times you need to play again with the bonus amount to be able to actually withdraw your winnings. Please see our casino bonus calculator for better analysis of the different options.
  4. Number of Free Spins on your first deposit – We give you the number that the casinos promote, but you still have too look at their actual offer. Often the Free Spins are given on a popular slot – such as Starburst or Jumanji.
  5. Bonus Codes – Often casinos create specific Bonus Codes, by which players can claim their bonus upon registration and their first deposit. It is also often the case that casinos will give exclusive bonuses for our site visitors, which are usually of better quality than their standard offering.

The shot below shows how we present the information:

Casino Features for Comparison

In this section you will find a comparison between the availability of all major features that casinos offer. Those looking for VIP programs can easily filter those casino that do offer it. Players who enjoy gamification features can also be helped as it can be seen here. The entire section can be seen in the shot below:

General casino information together with our ranking, general opinion and video review

All other basic data will appear in this section. You can see where the casino has a license from (remember licenses from Malta mean Tax Free winnings, while license from Curacao do not), year of establishment, contact email and phone and so on. Then you will see our opinion of the casino, whether we think it is Hot or not. Of course, we not only visit the casinos ourselves to make our test and reviews, but often Teemu will record an actual video review from each casino as he is checking it out. Our videos are indeed useful and we recommend that you watch them before making your choice for the best casino for your needs.

Wеll, рrеttу muсh thіѕ іѕ іt fоr vеrѕіоn 1.0 оf оur саѕіnо соmраrіѕоn tооl. Wе wіll bе lооkіng fоr mоrе еnhаnсеmеntѕ іn thе nеаr futurе аnd wе kеер lооkіng fоr wауѕ tо hеlр уоu mаkе bеttеr dесіѕіоnѕ! Наvе fun рlауіng аnd рlеаѕе – рlау rеѕроnѕіblу.

Start Comparing Casino Now!

Below is the full list of all casinos listed on our site. To start comparing casinos scroll down the list and click on the Compare button to the right of the profile of each casino to add it to your compare list! Have fun!